Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Honestly, Homework is ridiculous. I think that some classes intend for you to have so much homework the options are sacrifice a small piece of your soul, or jump off the nearest tall object.

So I know that homework is important in order to master the concepts required in order to pass the class in order to become a more well rounded citizen in order to help 'Blah Blah Blah'. I get it. The thing is though, Homework is none the less currently the bane of my existence. Some times I feel like all I do is Eat, Work, Homework, (and spend time Tamzon).....Oh, and sleep somewhere in between. I know I don't really have it that bad, there are those that have it a whole lot worse than myself... thats for sure. But none the less, still a busy, albeit interesting, section of life.

The sad part really is that although I think life is busy now, I know if it be getting a WHOLE lot busier in the coming semester. For those you you who don't know, I have briefly taken leave of my sanity and will be obtaining 35 Credits this fall semester, all while still working 3 days a week. Ok Ok.... So some it will be cheating (11 credits by examination and 3 by work credit!) but that still leaves me going to school Monday, Wednesday during the day as well as Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Night. Between that and working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. My home work time will be limited to Wednesday Night, Friday Night and Saturday. *Sigh* I am afraid that some habits will be falling by the wayside (I'm sorry Naruto!!).

On the Flip side, I know I'm not alone. Many many many peoples(including some reading this blog) are just as, or more, busy than I am! Why do we do it though? Why do we subject our selves to this torture?? This is a question that I often ask myself. I have come to the conclusion that, religious convictions aside, I want to accomplish things! I don't want to waste my life away "taking it easy". If it can be done, why not do it?!?

Besides, I want to feel like this when its all said and done ;-)

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